Friday, May 21, 2010

ok pretty stupid im writing here where nobody is looking haha.
More or less i would try to accumulate my opinions or rather prejudice about the world from now on. Well its pretty useful doesnt it? it serves much of a reflection.
Alright, lets voice something about the world first ya?
Dont you think the world is full of despair only? despite technology bringing the best for humans, we are doing this exchange for nature, Earth its self. Worth it? i reckon not. Humanity is first driving itself to grave and i use it because to me humans are just beast for now. Work hard living and happiness might sound normal or even a great quotes in life but not to me. They made human revolves only around themselves, constantly striving only for thier loves ones and duh~ themselves. But would someone go an extra mile for anyone human being? i fret not. A little extremist maybe a couple percent of the world population? But i can say its as good as negligible.
Countries make the best for themselves and only themselves. Noble and great organisation like UN are just plain there for only the so called right thing. Whats right whats wrong how can they differentiate? Opposing human rights are wrong but why killing animals for food right?
Human are ranking themselves as a superior of all other living or even non living things. Discrimination?Yes. Even within the human itself, theres such discrimination for example adult-child discrimination. Adult generally thinks all child cannot make thier own decision or immature, but it not ALWAYS. Children can make better decision then adults. They are too humans just that adults led a longer life doesnt mean that they are superior again.
Living in a first world country like singapore, ppl take things for granted.
An example the public transport, where ppl refuse to proceed inwards and enjoys standing near the door as its much more convenient? Ridiculous as it seems thats typical singaporean and thats one good reason i feel disgrace as one of them. Most ppl in singapore are law restricted, they get so afraid they oppose the local gov that they agree on every single absurd thing that had been made a 'law'. Why do ppl respect politician like leekuanyew? Yes he has no doubt created wonderful Singapore but has he created a wonderful population? i doubt so. Looking at qualities of singaporean, who use as many obnoxious and subtle ways to get to what they want, regardless of the in between process. They lack that process and couldnt mature in thier thoughts mayb thats one reason we will only be at our best a number 2 in the world. We can never surpass the ideals, we are mere weak and fragile copies. Its jsut like plotting a graph, ideals plot one point by one point but singaporean after looking at ideals plot the first and last point, and do all sorts of nonsense to to form the graph. Thats how ridicule typical singaporeans are, they do not even stop for a moment and spare a thought for others, self-centered as it seems.
They complains over mediocre things never would you imagine what they like to complain if you are not the locals. But when it comes to big things they shut thier mouth like a good dog. Global warming has already been cfm that c02 is the main factor contributing, and yet dear singapore continues to produce gigantic factories and develop insudtires that release monstorus amount of green house gases. For thier living? To me its more of a for thier demise.